Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Temple Knight Proselyte


I did the quests.. I worked up my kills to Master level..

This is what I look like.. With the full kit..

I can't wait to see what armour the next quest brings..
Or to finally gain access to the Temple Knights Headquarters...

Castle Wars Rocks

Except when you work hard and still dont get any tokens.

That can be quite annoying.. Especially when your trying to collect
armour for your construction levels.

But the Game itself can be quite exciting.

Especially when you have the flag and manage to get it back to your base.


Here is my Castle Wars Armour in my House.

and.. my left over tickets.. So far..

Training Mage

Daniel says the best way is to teleport continiously.
But I dunno...

This is my Mage setup..

Ring Bonus

Basically.. For training or fighting I use 2 rings.

For Melee I use a Warrior Ring (500k - 600k).

As you can see the Warrior Ring increases Slash Attack and Defence by 4.

For Mage I use a Seers Ring (450k - 550k).

As you can see the Seers Ring increases Magic Attack and Defence by 4.

Best P2P Shield

I have tried a few shields on runescape..

From rune kites to defenders to GOD books..
With the exception of Dragon Shelds I've tried em all..

Unless your setup as a mage, without doubt the Rune Defender is the best.

Defenders can be obtained in the Warrior Guild.
The Warrior Guild may only be accessed by warriors or
in other words, melee characters.
As such, you need a total of 130 level by adding up your attack
levels and strength levels prior to attempting entry to the Warrior Guild.

The Defender adds a bonus to Attack and Defence stats.
Unlike most others (with the exception to Guthix Book)..

Attack Bonus: Stab: +20 Slash: +19 Crush: +18 Magic: -2 Range: -3
Defense Bonus: Stab: +20 Slash: +19 Crush: +18 Magic: -2 Range: -3
Other Bonus: Strength: +5

If you have GOD Books.. (and I have all 3)
You will find them almost useless once you aquire a Rune Defender.

Likewise a normal shield.
Although anti-fire shields still have a purpose.

Scammers Beware

I remember when my son lost 3.8 million.
He was selling a full set of guilded armour.
Somehow the scammer was able to pull back his offer and
got the set of guilded for free!!!

Daniel was pretty upset..

It didnt ruin him.. But it was months of work gone...

Jagex should impliment a simple routine into the trade module..
So that if a trade is happening without anything in return..
A question like. "You are giving this/these items. Are you sure?"
could popup...

I think this would impact on the scammers..

Expired Membership

We pay for our membership monthly. As a result. From time to time.

We find ourselves without Runescape membership.

Surviving this disaster requires a strategy.

Once your membership expires you will not be able to use member items.

You will also not be able to Bank any member items that you have in your
inventory unless you have more than one of that item in your Bank inventory.

So I would advise everyone to Bank all member items
before your loss of membership.

A Free to Play (F2P) user recieves 60 bank spaces.
A Pay to Play (P2P) user recieves 400 bank spaces.

The idea is to have multiple items in your Bank.
That way you can take an item out and replace it when required.

Of course new items that you find will not be able to be stored in the bank
unless you reduce your total to 59.

Or pay for membership again.

Making a Million or 2

Edited - 12 Jan 2008 - Due to new updates (applied over the last few months) this method will no longer work. The shops do not operate in the same way any longer. Runescape now has unlimited amounts of stock available in all of the various shops.

Making money on Runescape isn't that difficult.
Although when I started I wondered how anyone was able to afford anything.
Just keeping up with the prices of the required armour and weapons was a daunting task.

Then one day I realized a way of making money...

For a long time I swore the kids to secrecy over this process.
Many of Sarah and Daniel's Runescape friends wanted to know how
level 40's had trimmed and GOD armour.
We all made our initial bankrolls this way.

This technique does NOT require any combat level.
But everyone needs to have a bankroll of at least 20k to begin.
You can do it with less money but you will find it harder.

First of all locate the Ranger (Arrow) Shops.

There is one in Varrock. There is also one in Rimmington.

(Note: Amounts of arrows and prices vary at each shop.)

The strategy is to buy addy arrows cheaply and to sell those arrows at a profit.

First of all get yourself located in a shop that sells addy arrows.

The shop in Varrock has 600 addy arrows available when full.
The price of a single addy arrow in Varrock starts at 80 coins.
If you buy 2 arrows they will be 80 ea.
But if you buy a third the price goes up to 81.
This is important to note.

The more arrows you buy the higher the price you pay.

(Note: I have sat buying arrows and seen people come in and buy the shop out of addy arrows.. Wasting a lot more money than they had to.. If they had just followed this technique)

From a full Shop of 600 addy arrows:

If you buy 2. The next one will cost 81.
Or if you buy 5. The next one will cost 84.
Or if you buy 10. The next one will cost 88.
Or if you buy 20. The next one will cost 96.
Or if you buy 30. The next one will cost 104.

You can buy more than 30 at a time in Varrock.
But your profit will not be so high.
Although it may take less time.

Alternately you can buy 10 or 20 at a time.
Making a lot more profit than what I have quoted.
But taking a lot longer to achieve.

I started on a world with 20k cash. In 10 minutes,

(After jumping worlds and purchasing 30 arrows each time.)

I had 210 addy arrows and was broke.

Now.. To get your money back...
Go to World 1 or World 3. Sell the 210 addy arrows in the same shop for 150gp ea.

Bingo.. 31500gp. You just made 11.5k in 10 mins.

Now work your way up to putting a Zero behind it..

Just keep repeating the pattern..
Until you get sick of making money this way..

In not very long at all you will be looking at figures like this...

Starting with 200k
You purchase 2100 addy arrows.
Selling them for 315k.
Making a profit of 115k in a little over an hour and a half.

Once you get to this level...
(And you can always go back to this as a way of making money..)

It is time to change to buying and selling trimmed armour.

The only trimmed armour that is popular is the GOLD trimmed armour.
Do not be distracted into purchasing the other varieties.

Concentrate on only purchasing the Black (G) Armour.

Purchase the items until you have a set.

Note: Skirts are much harder to sell than legs. They should be avoided.

Black (G) ArmourBuy PriceSell Price
Full Helm35-5055-65
Plate Body55-8595-105
Plate Legs35-6070-80
Kite Shield45-6570-85

Then sell the Black (G) set for 280k - 300k.
Repeat the process making a profit of at least 50k each time.

Pretty soon you will be working your way to GOD armour..

Don't get distracted with Addy or Rune trimmed armour.

Go straight for Sara..
Get the Sara Plate Body first..
Dont pay more than 1.1 Million for it.
(Less if possible)
Then concentrate on collecting your Sara set.
300 for a Helm
300 for Plate Legs
450 for a Kite Shield
Total Spent: 2.15 Million

Then sell it for 2.4 - 2.5 Million.
Making 250 - 350k profit.
Then do it again..


Good profit can be made from all Trimmed Armour.

Just be aware of the current prices..

If your not sure of the price.. Don't buy it!!

Runescape Signatures

Thankyou to and
for the following signatures..

Hunter Skill

Well.. The new hunter skill was released.
I worked it all night. I heard others saying that their eyesight was failing due to fatigue.
But still I hunted on.. Determined to rank high and fast..

(Like all the rest..)
After many many hours I checked my stats.. Realized I was way behind a lot of other players..

Basically said Awwww.. I guess I will train hunter again later..
I got it up to 41 before I quit.

Who we are....

We are a Family of 3. All into Runescape.
We started playing just before easter 2006. Unfortunately at that time we did not understand the rare drops that occur on Runescape. So none of us have an easter egg. (From Easter 2006) Although I can remember chasing bunnies around when we just started.. :( I am the father of our small group. My name is lazerzap1 on Runescape.

My daughter is sarbearroxy

and my son is dandwc88.

We play Runescape daily. Sometimes we get together and go PK'ing or just co-operating to make a profit. It makes it easyier to setup trades etc when your all in the same room. We run 5 PC's in the house. A 466 Celeron running Linux as a firewall provides the internet to a couple of switches. We mainly use a P4 3 gig as our primary machine. Another P4 1.6 Gig as a secondary. With a P3 550 Mhz as last choice. :) My GF (Girlfriend - Runescape hater) plugs an Athelon 1.8 Gig into our network as well. As the father I always use the best machine. lol My son commandeers it when I am not around. My daughter mainly uses the P4 1.6 Gig. Much to my sons disgust.

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